Teremana Tequila
Officially the biggest launch in the history of the spirits business, Teremana Tequila sold more than 400,000 cases in its first year of business and has been embraced by consumers and trade alike. Working with founders Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Ken Austin and Jenna Fagnan to produce a true “Tequila of the People” with no traditional advertising or marketing, Weholden designed the brand packaging, documented the meticulous, small batch process at the Mexican family-owned distillery, and creates ongoing social content and retail tactics for the brand—bringing the mana day in and day out to all communications.
Director: Erich Weiss Agency CD: Chris Holden Agency AD: Mackenzie Gaul Agency PM: Adam Zimmer Producer: Michael Rodriguez Director of Photography: Ernesto Lomelí 2nd Unit Director/DP: Ryan Scott Phantom DP: Velocity Media Post: All Ages Productions